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Doctor White Coat

In the medical field, a doctor’s white coat is a symbol that represents the doctor’s identity. When a doctor wears it then everyone gives respect to that person. Because people think that a person with a white coat is a professional doctor. That’s why patients consider them for their treatment purposes. But there are multiple aspects of it that you should know. Read this till the end to know more.

What is a doctor’s white coat?

A white coat worn by a doctor is called a doctor’s white coat. They are a symbolic representation of the experience and professionalism of the doctor. When a doctor wears it then everyone recognizes him or her.

This coat is washable and convenient to use. Moreover, this helps to store anything like ballpoints in pockets. This also represents a clean and sterile environment.

Stains get highlighted in white color as compared to other colors. When your white doctor coat gets stained then you wash it immediately. You should keep it clean and white.

History of Doctor White Coat:

If we look at the history of it then we get to know that doctors wore black coats. This was till the end of the 19th century and it represented the serious look of a doctor. This was linked with death instead of hope.

After some time, a white coat was adopted by the medical staff. Because they wanted to present themselves as professionals. A surgeon and president of the Canadian Medical Association proposed the modern white doctor coat in Canada.

Why white color is chosen as a doctor?

White color represents the purity and commitment of the doctor. They denote a firm intention along with the removal of disease. This is a symbol of hope for the patients. People wearing white coats want to stand out in a crowd.


There are a few drawbacks to a doctor’s white coat. Recent studies showed that doctor coats are contaminated with harmful bacteria. Due to this smartphones, tablets, and stethoscopes get infected too.

Way of cleaning it:

The way of cleaning the white coat is prescribed in an appropriate manner. You should wash it regularly and appropriately. Doctor White coat should be hanged for removal of germs.

New Policy:

In 2007, a new policy known as ‘’bare below the elbow’’ was proposed. Doctor’s white coat was withdrawn from wearing by doctors. They were of the view that coats were stained with contamination before giving to the laundry. Maybe a coat is a source for the passing of infection between patient and doctor.

Furthermore, they said that young patients and others feel less confident while talking to them. Results of conducted studies showed that doctors who weren’t in a white coats. They received a more accurate response from younger patients.

New Trends:

White doctor coats are replaced with a scrub suits because of their less contamination. They aren’t a source of cross-contamination between patients and doctors. Cleaning of scrubs is cost-effective as compared to a doctor’s white coat.

Final Thoughts:

The doctor’s white coat is a symbolic representation of the doctor’s professionalism. A person who wears this is considered an experienced doctor. But these are a source of cross-contamination so scrub suits are its alternatives.